From its beginnings, JG Summit Holding’s real estate arm has grown to an industry leader in real-estate land development. Each space has a vision woven into the community’s pursuit for growth and development—each structure is responsive to the Filipino’s changing needs.

We are delighted to have passionate, dedicated, honest, and hardworking team players. At RLC, we are committed to uplifting the quality of life in the Philippines. Whether one lives, works, or is a visitor in the Philippines, we will touch your life in a positive and meaningful way.
We consistently create innovative and outstanding lifestyle products and business solutions that revolutionize people's lives and work. We are the country’s largest Office Landlord. We have the second-largest chain of Lifestyle Shopping malls. Our Residential Subdivisions are nationwide, and our Residential Condominiums are present in the top central districts. We are also a significant player in the Hotel Industry.
Robinsons Land Corporation (RLC) pursues its commitment to making life better for the Filipino people, harnessing its most excellent resource, our people. RLC listens and takes inspiration from customers and grows with business partners and tenants, who share the same vision of progress.
RLC has always engaged in businesses that create value for shareholders and result in a developmental impact on society by providing affordable housing development to community outreach programs and sustaining a livelihood for thousands of Filipino families.
With unwavering faith in the Filipino spirit has led RLC to invest in lasting commercial spaces that will benefit and upgrade Filipino quality of life. RLC is driven with a passion and determination to share with the Filipino people the same core values of the company.
Robinsons Land Corporation grew through value, creation, and innovation. It continues to expand and pursue other retail formats and concepts. We invest in communities and transform the Filipino way of life, reaching and serving more Filipinos nationwide. Robinsons brings them together around a shared sense of purpose.

Robinsons Land is one of the most respected and recognized names in the Real Estate Industry committed to transforming every property into high-quality developments that create superior value to customers and shareholders. Every Robinsons Land project carries the reputation of having the highest standards of quality and service.