All it takes is lot of imagination and determination from the these talented bunch to once again stage “Pop”, a Robinsons Malls’ Entrep Corner on going at Level 3, Robinsons Place Imus until March 3, 2019. Eleven student companies are participating in this year’s first Entrep Corner for 2019.

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Students taking BS Entrepreneurship have put together their retail and culinary skills to showcase various food concoctions. An interesting take on an all -time favorite shawarma is “That’s a Wrap” a filling snack that incorporates fresh vegetables beef or chicken and garnished sriracha sauce, garlic mayo sauce, or cheese sauce.

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Fruitea and milktea, created by Boisson Tea , is a combinations of fresh tea and indigenous Filipino herbs while

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FlakyDough Pastry Shop is set to make a difference with “Hopyah”, an innovative product, that came from the product hopia, with different fillings while Griddles’quality pancakes with innovative flavors is also a must try.

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A healthy to go option is Frugix which comes in a combo of a healthy salad meal and a refreshing fruit drinks in a single. It offers three variants of salads and three variants of shakes which you can mix and match to create your own combo.
Completing the line –up are Loco Clothing Company, Al Dente Food House, Spread Lab, Kaleidoscoop Ice Cream Corner FroDough & Filienda