Robinsons Land ARTablado is hosting an art exhibit featuring the works of Carlos “Totong” Francisco II and MarPolo Cabrera. Entitled “Above the Headwinds”, this depicts how the collaboration of the grandson of Angono’s renowned muralist Carlos “Botong” Francisco and an aspiring lad from Nagcarlan, Laguna with a common love for abstract, came to life.

With the challenges of 2020 in their midst, these two turned to their canvas as a beneficial tool for stress relief and have found the quarantine to be the stime to focus on what they do best – creating more artworks.

Both artists have graced the stage of ARTablado individually where they chanced upon themselves. From these meetings, Totong and MarPolo agreed to collaborate in this 2-man exhibit.

Totong Francisco is deeply influenced by Abstract Expressionism, this is his response growing up in the age of Regionalism and what most local artists in Angono, Rizal were doing. He is an artist that reflects comfort and satisfaction especially in today’s society where abstract art is somewhat becoming more popular. His followers in art communities tend to look for outlets and who or what they can relate to, and Totong gives exactly just that in his masterpieces – being an inspiration to others just like his grandfather.

For MarPolo Cabrera music and art have a close relationship. It is an environment in which jointly affects his creative process. As an abstract expressionist and mixed media artist, his artworks are inspired mostly by the music he listens to, his emotions, and the principle of automatism. To him, music produces a strong emotional response, guiding him through every brush mark and color choices to create a wonderful masterpiece.

“Above the Headwinds” will run from May 16 to May 31 at ARTablado Level 3, Veranda of Robinsons Galleria. For more updates, visit or like and follow ARTablado on Facebook and @artablado on Instagram.